Square 95, vol 2 iss 1
Fall 2022
Square 95 is District’s biannual student literary publication. When I was hired as creative director, there were two issues of Square 95 that were published online and focused on magazine journalism. My editor-in-chief Kaitlynne Rainne and I decided to take this volume in a more creative direction. Students were asked to submit photo essays and creative writing on the theme "autonomy." This edition was printed and distributed around the SCAD campus in January 2023.
We had a 10 week timeline to get submissions, choose pieces, and design the magazine, so I brought on four more graphic designers to expedite the process. We had a limited budget and printed in black and white, so we prioritized texture.
Flip through this issue on Issuu.
Creative Director: Charlotte Beck
Graphic Designers: Maggie Wollard, Reem Hinedi, Carlota Sosa, Grace Marcy, and Fai McCurdy.
Square 95, vol 2 iss 2
Spring 2023
Unfortunately, our budget got slashed and we couldn't print the second issue. On the bright side, this gave us the opportunity to use color, full bleeds, and accept more student work. Students were asked to submit artwork and creative writing on the theme "home." This edition was distributed virtually.
Flip through this issue on Issuu.